Saturday, July 27th. Dj El Nino is in the Main Room at Vandome

Saturday, July 27th. Featured artist Dj EL NINO is in the Main Room at Vandome.  Enjoy an evening of the best music featuring all your favorite Salsa-Bachata-Merengue-Reggaeton and Dance Music.  Call (203)789-2066 for reservations.  Go to to book your FREE Birthday party or special reservation.  Open from 10pm till 2am.  Hookahs available on the Patio.

Saturday, July 27th. Warehouse Featured Artist will be Dj RNice

Saturday, July 27th. Warehouse Featured Artist will be Dj RNice.  Enjoy a fantastic evening of the best in R&B-Hiphop-Dembow-Reggae and Top 40.  Open 10pm till 2am.  Event hosted by Jroc of Genius Entertainment.  Go to to book your FREE Birthday party or SPECIAL Reservation.  You can also call (203) 789-2066 or text (203) 809-7509 for…..

Sunday, July 28th. Dj Chinolo is in the Main Room at Vandome

Sunday, July 28th. Dj CHINOLO is in the Main Room at Vandome.  Enjoy an evening of the best in Cumbia, Bachata, Merengue and Latin Rock.  Ladies are free all night long.  Doors open 10 pm to 1 am.  For Reservations call (203) 789-2066 or text (203) 809-7509.  Go to to book your reservations and FREE…..

Friday, August 2nd. Patio Party with Dj Solo featuring the Hula Hoop Contest

Friday, August 2nd.  Patio Party with Dj Solo featuring the Hula Hoop Contest.  $100 cash to first place winner and $50 cash to second place winner.  Enjoy the best of Hiphop-R&B and Top 40.  Ladies free all night long.  Click on to book your FREE Birthday Party or Special Reservation.  Call (203) 789-2066 or Text…..

Saturday, August 3rd. Main Room Special Guest will be Dj Rico

Saturday, August 3rd. Featured artist Dj RICO is in the Main Room at Vandome.  Enjoy an evening of the best music featuring all your favorite Salsa-Bachata-Merengue-Reggaeton and Dance Music.  Call (203)789-2066 for reservations.  Go to to book your FREE Birthday party or special reservation.  Open from 10pm till 2am.  Hookahs available on the Patio.

Saturday, August 3rd. Warehouse Entertainment will be Dj JRoc / Genius Entertainment

Saturday, August 3rd. Warehouse Featured Artist will be Dj Jroc of Genius Entertainment.  Enjoy a fantastic evening of the best in R&B-Hiphop-Dembow-Reggae and Top 40.  Open 10pm till 2am.  Go to to book your FREE Birthday party or SPECIAL Reservation.  You can also call (203) 789-2066 or text (203) 809-7509 for reservations.  Hookahs available on…..

Friday, August 9th. Bachata Lovers Event with Dj Rumberito

Friday, August 9th. It’s the Bachata Lovers Event with Dj Rumberito.  For more information you can call (203) 789-2066

Friday, August 9th. Patio Party with Dj Solo and Crew

Friday, August 9th.  Patio Party with Dj Solo.  Enjoy the best of Hiphop-R&B and Top 40.  Ladies free all night long.  Click on to book your FREE Birthday Party or Special Reservation.  Call (203) 789-2066 or Text (203) 809-7509 for your reservation.  Hookah’s available on the Patio.  Try the all new Twisted Mermaid Cocktail.

Saturday, August 10th. Denim Day Party with Tommie Lee from the show Love and Hiphop

Saturday, August 10th. Denim Day Party with Love and Hiphop’s Tommie Lee. Music by Dj Platinum and Dj RNice.  Tickets available at  Doors open 3 pm to 7 pm.  Event hosted by Darius Murrell

Saturday, August 10th. Main Room Entertainment will be Dj Leo

Saturday, August 10th. Featured artist Dj LEO is in the Main Room at Vandome.  Enjoy an evening of the best music featuring all your favorite Salsa-Bachata-Merengue-Reggaeton and Dance Music.  Call (203)789-2066 for reservations.  Go to to book your FREE Birthday party or special reservation.  Open from 10pm till 2am.  Hookahs available on the Patio.